Augusta, Georgia

In 2007, we were approached by the Augusta Downtown Development Authority to design a multi-year holiday décor program for the entire city of Augusta, Georgia. Best known for hosting the Masters golf tournament each year, Augusta is the third-largest city and second-largest metropolitan area in the state. When we were first contacted, the downtown area was in the process of a revitalization. The officials wanted to bring a fresh look to the city to get more visitors during the holidays. We went down to Georgia to visit the site and worked with multiple city departments on the project. We first surveyed the downtown area and then presented a cohesive plan to get the most holiday impact within budget. The program consisted of:

  • Custom posts over wreaths in key parks throughout the downtown
  • A custom-made glitter mesh arch over the statue of James Brown on Broad Street
  • A custom-made animated fountain of light built to sit in an existing fountain
  • Decorating a real giant tree in the downtown area with our lights and tree topper
  • Over 300 wreaths and pole wraps on key streets throughout the downtown and city areas
  • Large pole wraps on main intersections throughout the city

After the décor was set up throughout the city, officials held a holiday celebration downtown that included a tree lighting, fireworks, a Christmas parade, ice skating and an elf school for children.

If you think that elements of this design would be right for your project, fill out the contact information below and a member of our sales team will get in touch with you shortly.
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